Have you ever sat down in your room and thought about whether or not you are addicted to travel? Well, due to the fact that you are reading this right now, there is a good chance that you actually are addicted to this kind of thing – either that or you will become a travel addict in the near future. But there is no reason to worry though, because it is pretty much safe to say that being addicted to travel is actually a pretty cool thing. However, we need to inform you that the cure for this kind of addiction is yet to be found. In other words, once you are infected with the travel virus, it stays in your body as long as you are alive and well. What this means is that things can only get worse, and you are probably going to stay hooked for life.
But that is completely okay, because you are far from being the only person in the world who is addicted to travel. There is a whole lot of people who are infected with the travel virus, and as a result of that infection, almost everything that they do revolves around travel. Travel is always on their mind, and they are constantly looking for new ways to travel the world. Does this sound familiar to you? If it does, then there is a good chance that you are infected with the travel virus, too. In case you worry that you are infected with the travel virus, here are some signs that you should be on the lookout for!
You Love To Share Your Travel Stories With Other People
Are you one of those people who enjoy talking about their travel adventures on a daily basis? If you are, then it is a strong sign that you are addicted to travel. This is especially true if you are constantly asking your family and friends to travel with you.
You Have Multiple SIM Cards in Your Pockets
Do you own at least two different SIM cards? If you do, then you are probably infected with the travel virus. Perhaps the main reason why you own more than one SIM card is because you always want to stay ready for your next travel adventure, right?
You Read Travel Guides For Fun
While your family, friends, and neighbors enjoy reading regular books, you are not like them. Instead of going to your local library and buying a novel, you go to your local travel agency and take several different travel guides. If you enjoy doing this kind of stuff, then you are probably addicted to travel.